
קפיטליזם, השיטה של זכויות הפרט, הובילה לחירות ושגשוג של בני אדם על פני שלוש יבשות. ועדיין היא נמצאת תחת התקפות מתמידות מצד אינטלקטואלים ופוליטיקאים המבקשים להרסה. בהרצאה המבוססת על ספריו יעסוק ד"ר ברנשטיין בהתקפות אלו ויציג את עליונותה המוסרית והכלכלית של השיטה הקפיטליסטית.

Capitalism, the system of individual rights, has brought freedom and prosperity to people on three continents: Europe, North America, and Asia (Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan). Yet, it is under constant moral attack by socialist intellectuals and politicians, who seek to destroy it. This talk, based on Dr. Bernstein’s books, The Capitalist Manifesto and Capitalism Unbound, shows that capitalism is as morally superior to socialism as it is economically; and that its true history, far from the horror portrayed by Marxist intellectuals, is actually a glorious ascent from dictatorship and poverty to freedom and prosperity. This talk dispels many of the current myths and fallacies about capitalism.


Andrew Bernstein holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Graduate School of the City University of New York. He teaches Philosophy at SUNY Purchase, which selected him “Outstanding Teacher of the Year” in 2004. He is the author of The Capitalist Manifesto: The Historic, Economic, and Philosophic Case for Laissez-Faire (2005); Objectivism in One Lesson: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Ayn Rand (2008); and Capitalism Unbound: The Incontestable Moral Case for Individual Rights (2010). He has written the Cliffs Notes for three Ayn Rand titles: Anthem, The Fountainhead, and Atlas Shrugged.


ההרצאה תתקיים ביום שלישי ה-9 באפריל בשעה 19:00 בבראתון (בניין פרנק סינטרה) 

בקמפוס הר הצופים של האוניברסיטה העברית

 להרשמה והבטחת מקומך


#_lt#div style="text-align#_sc# left;" dir="rtl"#_gt##_lt#span style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"#_gt##_lt#span style="font-size#_sc# 14px;"#_gt#  #_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/span#_gt# #_lt#p style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 10px; margin#_sc# 0px; padding#_sc# 0px; border#_sc# 0px; outline#_sc# 0px; vertical-align#_sc# baseline; background-color#_sc# transparent; -webkit-text-size-adjust#_sc# none;" dir="ltr"#_gt##_lt#span class="font_7" style="font-family#_sc# Basic, sans-serif; margin#_sc# 0px; padding#_sc# 0px; border#_sc# 0px; outline#_sc# 0px; vertical-align#_sc# baseline; background-color#_sc# transparent; font-size#_sc# 18px; line-height#_sc# 1.3em; color#_sc# #826f52;"#_gt#Capitalism, the system of individual rights, has brought freedom and prosperity to people on three continents#_sc# Europe, North America, and Asia (Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan). Yet, it is under constant moral attack by socialist intellectuals and politicians, who seek to destroy it. This talk, based on Dr. Bernstein’s books, The Capitalist Manifesto and Capitalism Unbound, shows that capitalism is as morally superior to socialism as it is economically; and that its true history, far from the horror portrayed by Marxist intellectuals, is actually a glorious ascent from dictatorship and poverty to freedom and prosperity. This talk dispels many of the current myths and fallacies about capitalism.#_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 10px; margin#_sc# 0px; padding#_sc# 0px; border#_sc# 0px; outline#_sc# 0px; vertical-align#_sc# baseline; background-color#_sc# transparent; -webkit-text-size-adjust#_sc# none; text-align#_sc# center;"#_gt# #_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 10px; margin#_sc# 0px; padding#_sc# 0px; border#_sc# 0px; outline#_sc# 0px; vertical-align#_sc# baseline; background-color#_sc# transparent; -webkit-text-size-adjust#_sc# none; text-align#_sc# center;"#_gt##_lt#span style="text-align#_sc# left; font-size#_sc# 13px;"#_gt# #_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#img style="vertical-align#_sc# middle;" src="http#_sc#//static.wix.com/media/6d0e93_1ede9fd26362e7593577e1d8b04bf573.png_srz_196_290_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_png_srz" alt="" width="203" height="300"#_gt##_lt#img style="vertical-align#_sc# middle;" src="http#_sc#//static.wix.com/media/6d0e93_c1c3442ac6c6f66e3bf3338301d97df8.jpg_srz_179_252_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srz" alt="" width="213" height="300"#_gt##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 14px;" dir="ltr"#_gt#Bio#_sc##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 14px;" dir="ltr"#_gt##_lt#span style="font-size#_sc# 13px;"#_gt#Andrew Bernstein holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Graduate School of the City University of New York. He teaches Philosophy at SUNY Purchase, which selected him “Outstanding Teacher of the Year” in 2004. He is the author of The Capitalist Manifesto#_sc# The Historic, Economic, and Philosophic Case for Laissez-Faire (2005); Objectivism in One Lesson#_sc# An Introduction to the Philosophy of Ayn Rand (2008); and Capitalism Unbound#_sc# The Incontestable Moral Case for Individual Rights (2010). He has written the Cliffs Notes for three Ayn Rand titles#_sc# Anthem, The Fountainhead, and Atlas Shrugged.#_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 14px;"#_gt##_lt#span style="font-size#_sc# 13px;"#_gt##_lt#br#_gt##_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="text-align#_sc# center; font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 14px;" dir="rtl"#_gt##_lt#span style="font-size#_sc# 13px;"#_gt#ההרצאה תתקיים ביום שלישי ה-9 באפריל בשעה 19#_sc#00 בבראתון (בניין פרנק סינטרה) #_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="text-align#_sc# center; font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 14px;"#_gt##_lt#span style="font-size#_sc# 13px;"#_gt#בקמפוס הר הצופים של האוניברסיטה העברית#_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="text-align#_sc# center; margin#_sc# 0px; padding#_sc# 0px; border#_sc# 0px; outline#_sc# 0px; vertical-align#_sc# baseline; background-color#_sc# transparent; -webkit-text-size-adjust#_sc# none;"#_gt##_lt#strong#_gt##_lt#span style="font-size#_sc# large;"#_gt##_lt#span style="font-family#_sc# Basic, sans-serif; color#_sc# #826f52;"#_gt##_lt#span style="line-height#_sc# 18.712499618530273px;"#_gt# #_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#span#_gt##_lt#a target="_blank" href="http#_sc#//www.aynrand.org.il/#!news/c1maf" target="_blank"#_gt#להרשמה והבטחת מקומך#_lt#/a#_gt##_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#span style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"#_gt# #_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/strong#_gt##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#/div#_gt#


#_lt#div style="text-align#_sc# left;" dir="rtl"#_gt##_lt#span style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"#_gt##_lt#span style="font-size#_sc# 14px;"#_gt#  #_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/span#_gt# #_lt#p style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 10px; margin#_sc# 0px; padding#_sc# 0px; border#_sc# 0px; outline#_sc# 0px; vertical-align#_sc# baseline; background-color#_sc# transparent; -webkit-text-size-adjust#_sc# none;" dir="ltr"#_gt##_lt#span class="font_7" style="font-family#_sc# Basic, sans-serif; margin#_sc# 0px; padding#_sc# 0px; border#_sc# 0px; outline#_sc# 0px; vertical-align#_sc# baseline; background-color#_sc# transparent; font-size#_sc# 18px; line-height#_sc# 1.3em; color#_sc# #826f52;"#_gt#Capitalism, the system of individual rights, has brought freedom and prosperity to people on three continents#_sc# Europe, North America, and Asia (Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan). Yet, it is under constant moral attack by socialist intellectuals and politicians, who seek to destroy it. This talk, based on Dr. Bernstein’s books, The Capitalist Manifesto and Capitalism Unbound, shows that capitalism is as morally superior to socialism as it is economically; and that its true history, far from the horror portrayed by Marxist intellectuals, is actually a glorious ascent from dictatorship and poverty to freedom and prosperity. This talk dispels many of the current myths and fallacies about capitalism.#_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 10px; margin#_sc# 0px; padding#_sc# 0px; border#_sc# 0px; outline#_sc# 0px; vertical-align#_sc# baseline; background-color#_sc# transparent; -webkit-text-size-adjust#_sc# none; text-align#_sc# center;"#_gt# #_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 10px; margin#_sc# 0px; padding#_sc# 0px; border#_sc# 0px; outline#_sc# 0px; vertical-align#_sc# baseline; background-color#_sc# transparent; -webkit-text-size-adjust#_sc# none; text-align#_sc# center;"#_gt##_lt#span style="text-align#_sc# left; font-size#_sc# 13px;"#_gt# #_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#img style="vertical-align#_sc# middle;" src="http#_sc#//static.wix.com/media/6d0e93_1ede9fd26362e7593577e1d8b04bf573.png_srz_196_290_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_png_srz" alt="" width="203" height="300"#_gt##_lt#img style="vertical-align#_sc# middle;" src="http#_sc#//static.wix.com/media/6d0e93_c1c3442ac6c6f66e3bf3338301d97df8.jpg_srz_179_252_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srz" alt="" width="213" height="300"#_gt##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 14px;" dir="ltr"#_gt#Bio#_sc##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 14px;" dir="ltr"#_gt##_lt#span style="font-size#_sc# 13px;"#_gt#Andrew Bernstein holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Graduate School of the City University of New York. He teaches Philosophy at SUNY Purchase, which selected him “Outstanding Teacher of the Year” in 2004. He is the author of The Capitalist Manifesto#_sc# The Historic, Economic, and Philosophic Case for Laissez-Faire (2005); Objectivism in One Lesson#_sc# An Introduction to the Philosophy of Ayn Rand (2008); and Capitalism Unbound#_sc# The Incontestable Moral Case for Individual Rights (2010). He has written the Cliffs Notes for three Ayn Rand titles#_sc# Anthem, The Fountainhead, and Atlas Shrugged.#_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 14px;"#_gt##_lt#span style="font-size#_sc# 13px;"#_gt##_lt#br#_gt##_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="text-align#_sc# center; font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 14px;" dir="rtl"#_gt##_lt#span style="font-size#_sc# 13px;"#_gt#ההרצאה תתקיים ביום שלישי ה-9 באפריל בשעה 19#_sc#00 בבראתון (בניין פרנק סינטרה) #_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="text-align#_sc# center; font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 14px;"#_gt##_lt#span style="font-size#_sc# 13px;"#_gt#בקמפוס הר הצופים של האוניברסיטה העברית#_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="text-align#_sc# center; margin#_sc# 0px; padding#_sc# 0px; border#_sc# 0px; outline#_sc# 0px; vertical-align#_sc# baseline; background-color#_sc# transparent; -webkit-text-size-adjust#_sc# none;"#_gt##_lt#strong#_gt##_lt#span style="font-size#_sc# large;"#_gt##_lt#span style="font-family#_sc# Basic, sans-serif; color#_sc# #826f52;"#_gt##_lt#span style="line-height#_sc# 18.712499618530273px;"#_gt# #_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#span#_gt##_lt#a target="_blank" href="http#_sc#//www.aynrand.org.il/#!news/c1maf" target="_blank"#_gt#להרשמה והבטחת מקומך#_lt#/a#_gt##_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#span style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"#_gt# #_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/strong#_gt##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#/div#_gt#


#_lt#div style="text-align#_sc# left;" dir="rtl"#_gt##_lt#span style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"#_gt##_lt#span style="font-size#_sc# 14px;"#_gt#  #_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/span#_gt# #_lt#p style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 10px; margin#_sc# 0px; padding#_sc# 0px; border#_sc# 0px; outline#_sc# 0px; vertical-align#_sc# baseline; background-color#_sc# transparent; -webkit-text-size-adjust#_sc# none;" dir="ltr"#_gt##_lt#span class="font_7" style="font-family#_sc# Basic, sans-serif; margin#_sc# 0px; padding#_sc# 0px; border#_sc# 0px; outline#_sc# 0px; vertical-align#_sc# baseline; background-color#_sc# transparent; font-size#_sc# 18px; line-height#_sc# 1.3em; color#_sc# #826f52;"#_gt#Capitalism, the system of individual rights, has brought freedom and prosperity to people on three continents#_sc# Europe, North America, and Asia (Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan). Yet, it is under constant moral attack by socialist intellectuals and politicians, who seek to destroy it. This talk, based on Dr. Bernstein’s books, The Capitalist Manifesto and Capitalism Unbound, shows that capitalism is as morally superior to socialism as it is economically; and that its true history, far from the horror portrayed by Marxist intellectuals, is actually a glorious ascent from dictatorship and poverty to freedom and prosperity. This talk dispels many of the current myths and fallacies about capitalism.#_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 10px; margin#_sc# 0px; padding#_sc# 0px; border#_sc# 0px; outline#_sc# 0px; vertical-align#_sc# baseline; background-color#_sc# transparent; -webkit-text-size-adjust#_sc# none; text-align#_sc# center;"#_gt# #_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 10px; margin#_sc# 0px; padding#_sc# 0px; border#_sc# 0px; outline#_sc# 0px; vertical-align#_sc# baseline; background-color#_sc# transparent; -webkit-text-size-adjust#_sc# none; text-align#_sc# center;"#_gt##_lt#span style="text-align#_sc# left; font-size#_sc# 13px;"#_gt# #_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#img style="vertical-align#_sc# middle;" src="http#_sc#//static.wix.com/media/6d0e93_1ede9fd26362e7593577e1d8b04bf573.png_srz_196_290_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_png_srz" alt="" width="203" height="300"#_gt##_lt#img style="vertical-align#_sc# middle;" src="http#_sc#//static.wix.com/media/6d0e93_c1c3442ac6c6f66e3bf3338301d97df8.jpg_srz_179_252_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srz" alt="" width="213" height="300"#_gt##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 14px;" dir="ltr"#_gt#Bio#_sc##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 14px;" dir="ltr"#_gt##_lt#span style="font-size#_sc# 13px;"#_gt#Andrew Bernstein holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Graduate School of the City University of New York. He teaches Philosophy at SUNY Purchase, which selected him “Outstanding Teacher of the Year” in 2004. He is the author of The Capitalist Manifesto#_sc# The Historic, Economic, and Philosophic Case for Laissez-Faire (2005); Objectivism in One Lesson#_sc# An Introduction to the Philosophy of Ayn Rand (2008); and Capitalism Unbound#_sc# The Incontestable Moral Case for Individual Rights (2010). He has written the Cliffs Notes for three Ayn Rand titles#_sc# Anthem, The Fountainhead, and Atlas Shrugged.#_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 14px;"#_gt##_lt#span style="font-size#_sc# 13px;"#_gt##_lt#br#_gt##_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="text-align#_sc# center; font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 14px;" dir="rtl"#_gt##_lt#span style="font-size#_sc# 13px;"#_gt#ההרצאה תתקיים ביום שלישי ה-9 באפריל בשעה 19#_sc#00 בבראתון (בניין פרנק סינטרה) #_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="text-align#_sc# center; font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size#_sc# 14px;"#_gt##_lt#span style="font-size#_sc# 13px;"#_gt#בקמפוס הר הצופים של האוניברסיטה העברית#_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#p style="text-align#_sc# center; margin#_sc# 0px; padding#_sc# 0px; border#_sc# 0px; outline#_sc# 0px; vertical-align#_sc# baseline; background-color#_sc# transparent; -webkit-text-size-adjust#_sc# none;"#_gt##_lt#strong#_gt##_lt#span style="font-size#_sc# large;"#_gt##_lt#span style="font-family#_sc# Basic, sans-serif; color#_sc# #826f52;"#_gt##_lt#span style="line-height#_sc# 18.712499618530273px;"#_gt# #_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#span#_gt##_lt#a target="_blank" href="http#_sc#//www.aynrand.org.il/#!news/c1maf" target="_blank"#_gt#להרשמה והבטחת מקומך#_lt#/a#_gt##_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#span style="font-family#_sc# Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"#_gt# #_lt#/span#_gt##_lt#/strong#_gt##_lt#/p#_gt# #_lt#/div#_gt#
